第二季卡洛動線上跳繩,特別新增花式跳繩這個挑戰賽制,主辦方於活動開始前,很積極邀請目前在推廣花式跳繩運動的年輕教練們,也很榮幸可以邀請到如:回過繩來徐天一老師、民風 Folk Custom Style邵海萸老師、以及臺灣專業花式跳繩學院TRSA教練團、讓這為期5天的線上運動會帶來許多精彩創新的表演,每段表演真的也讓許多人大開眼界,欣賞到跳繩運動創新極具有娛樂性質的賞心悅目美。
所有的運動都因為有賽事制度讓人慷慨激昂,世界跳繩錦標賽由國際跳繩聯盟 (FISAC - International Rope Skipping Federation)舉辦的世界跳繩錦標賽 (世錦賽),是一項兩年一度的繩壇盛事。目前國內與跳繩有關的比賽活動:全民運、中正盃、台中及台南民俗體與跳繩競賽,雖然小眾但卻很熱血,而這樣有益身心的運動,適合男女老幼,尤其對於提發育中的小朋友長高因素來說,更是值得在積極建議小孩子鍛鍊,希望熱愛運動的你,不要因為疫情趨緩就忘記這項,可以急速提升心肺耐力的好運動,期待不久的將來,可以培養出屬於代表台灣的選手,參與國際賽事為國爭光。
It took awhile, but Oklahoma State finally landed their first commitment for 2021 in Syracuse transfer Woody Newton.It's a little bit of relief to fans to finally see the Cowboys land a commitment for the class, especially after a year in which they landing the biggest recruit in the country and putting together a class nationally ranked in the Top-15 by every recruiting outlet that matters.While the Cowboys aren't done, the list of players they are targeting - both in the portal and in high schoolcontinues to grow shorter and shorter as they commit elsewhere or narrow down their list of schools, excluding OSU in the process.There are likely three issues that are affecting Oklahoma State on the recruiting …
It took awhile, but Oklahoma State finally landed their first commitment for 2021 in Syracuse transfer Woody Newton.It's a little bit of relief to fans to finally see the Cowboys land a commitment for the class, especially after a year in which they landing the biggest recruit in the country and putting together a class nationally ranked in the Top-15 by every recruiting outlet that matters.While the Cowboys aren't done, the list of players they are targeting - both in the portal and in high schoolcontinues to grow shorter and shorter as they commit elsewhere or narrow down their list of schools, excluding OSU in the process.There are likely three issues that are affecting Oklahoma State on the recruiting …